Monday, July 6, 2009

Mitchie Riding Horse

Well, that looks like a good horse...maybe I could give that a ride?

What do you say I give that a lift up and hop on that Nana? Okay, now you hold that up all by yourself, that is some hard work!

Okay, that's it. Now hold on, I'm jumping on for a wild ride!

Okay, let's try both legs! Hey, mommy, check this out! This is some kind of fun!!!! Check me out, ride 'em Cowboy!!! I don't know who is having more fun, Nana or Mitchie?
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Rachelle said...

that is hilarious! Morgan and Skylar LOVE that game!! Ride that horsie into town-ride that horsie don't fall down!

Jojo said...

Oh what fun my Nana is! So cute and Mitchie is getting so tall!!! Lol, Grammie